Remarkable Leadership – The Birth of Something New

Danielle book

Hey there Remarkable Women,


I sat down this afternoon to write a lovely promotional email about my new book, Remarkable Leadership.


I got pretty far down the line before I deleted the lot and came back to the beginning to go again.


You see, I could show up all sunshine and smiles, with a celebratory trumpet and say, ‘Hey, look at my new book!’, but that didn’t feel real at all. And if there’s one thing we’ve committed to in our email relationship with you over the time we’ve been together, it’s staying true to what’s really here.


Here’s my truth about ‘Remarkable Leadership’ the book.


I’ve wanted to share the ‘Queen Manual’ with you for years now. But when I sat to write it, it was never quite there. It didn’t feel ready, or I didn’t feel the urge. It was still gestating.


In the end, it arrived unexpectedly in the middle of a global pandemic and gently insisted I capture it all. Ironically, it was easier than ‘Remarkably Easy’ (which wasn’t easy at all). The first draft flowed more freely and neatly than I imagined possible from my prior experience.


Even the editing process was easier (and that’s the bit I truly hated last time). My early readers fed back generous and positive comments and throughout most of this books ‘birthing’ process, I have been excited to finally let you have this heartfelt and truly important concept in your hands. I have been excited to give you more depth and more space to contemplate what it means and the possibility we have, to find another way.


Recording the audio was fun and challenging and a whole new experience. I have loved being able to read to you and in the process, this book and I have made friends with each other on an entirely different level.


I also found many things I wanted to change. 


I came across nuances in my writing style that slightly annoyed me. Repetition of certain words that I love to edit out. I wondered if I had over explained some things and under explained others. On more than one occasion, I read a chapter with a side helping of humility, as the times I had NOT been who I am inviting you to be, presented themselves to me in full technicolour.


It was not too late to make changes, if I wanted to hold up the whole production process and go again. But the wise voice in me offered caution. She knew that this was a book that would never be perfect. Instead, it was simply a book that was ready to be born. With wrinkles and flaws and glorious imperfections. So, I took a deep breath and let it go.


Now is the hardest bit. 


Waiting for You to read it. Waiting to hear how it will be received. Hoping that it will spark inspiration, curiosity, and courage in you. Longing for a world with more new Queens ready to rise and more existing Queens who are ready for the next phase of their transformation.


The book is imperfect. WE are imperfect. And yet we go anyway. Doing what we can, where we are, with what we have.


For the next few weeks, you hold my dreams in your hands. Will you tread gently and lovingly in service of all of us? Will you use them as a metaphor for ALL of our dreams that enter tentatively into the World unsure of their place and welcome?


Before you dive in, hold my hand for a moment and remember what it feels like to step into the arena.


Then, when you’re ready, come join me in a world of bigger possibility where nothing is perfect, and everything is human. And I’ll take your hand.


We’ll take your hand.


From my heart to yours, Queen.


Let’s be remarkable together,


Danielle #TRFOL


Find Remarkable Leadership on Amazon here

And it’s coming soon on Audible too!

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